Hi! I'm Raz,
an architect-turned- Service Designer and Innovation Strategist. Throughout my experience as a landscape architect, I've put the user at the centre of my designs: how they interact with their surroundings, what are their pain points and what I can do to improve their situation now and in the future.
This mindset is what led me to pursue a career in Service Design and Innovation Strategy. I want to create exciting and innovative products and services that people love to use. I bring the aesthetic value and attention to detail I picked up in my work as an architect and photographer and apply them to the field of service design.
I have experience in the private and public sector which you can view in my resume by clicking here
You can find me on LinkedIn
I'm also on Medium
Projects? Prints? Questions
Shoot me a message.
I'm available for work in Montreal, Toronto... or well... anywhere remotely!